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Some people were talking about my wife…

And I admit, I listened.

I thought about interrupting them but I wanted to hear what they were saying about her. Usually I am not the type of person who will listen in when someone is talking about someone else, however, I couldn’t help it because…

…every word they were saying was true.

Today as I sat in my office at church, I had my door open and a couple ladies were out in the main office chatting and I heard Krista’s name. My ears perked up, I stopped what I was doing and I eavesdropped.

What they said made me proud.

Photo Cred: Jane GibsonMy wife is currently participating in a Bible class at church and the class participants share emails throughout the week as they process the material. The two ladies are both enrolled and were discussing what Krista had shared. I don’t know what she wrote in her email to them but apparently it was inspiring. They went on to talk about her insight and giftedness and I couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear. On this occasion, they were not complimenting her to me, rather sharing about how she had blessed their lives without knowing that their praises were blessing me. I was immediately reminded of Proverbs 31:

She always faces tomorrow with a smile.
When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say,
and she always says it kindly.
She keeps an eye on everyone in her household,
and keeps them all busy and productive.
Her children respect and bless her;
her husband joins in with words of praise:
“Many women have done wonderful things,
but you’ve outclassed them all!”
Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades.
The woman to be admired and praised
is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God.
Give her everything she deserves!
“The woman to be admired and praised is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God.” My absolute favorite thing about Krista and the highest compliment I can pay to her is that she is a woman who listens intently for God and chooses to obey his voice. As one who is still learning just how to do that, I learn from her daily. She is patient with me but at the same time is always encouraging me to “trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding.” (Prov. 3:5)
I think other people experience this from her as well. It’s neat (over)hearing their experience with Krista’s faith journey. She’s a remarkable woman and I’m privileged to call her my beloved.

Becoming a Spiritually Healthy Family – Preview #2

What is the opposite of “dysfunctional living?” Is it, being happy? Nothing ever going wrong? Perfect parenting or a marriage without arguing? We can sometimes joke about the effect of our unhealthy relationship styles. Maybe laughing about our faults is a good way of not taking things too seriously. Not taking a close look, though, at the dysfunction in our lives can result in not even tasting what the “abundant life” is like. How do we even pursue living the abundant life and what does it look like?

The abundant life is to seek and know this holy and perfect God, understand the plan He has initiated, discover how He is writing the story to accomplish this plan, and then humbly receive your script and play your part – as written.

Michelle Anthony,

Becoming a Spiritually Healthy Family, p.13

Saturday we launch into our book club covering Michelle Anthony’s Becoming a Spiritually Healthy Family: Avoiding the 6 Dysfunctional Parenting Styles. It’s not too late to join and the club “meetings” are all online, on your own time! I will be posting chapter responses and questions here on this blog and anyone is welcome to participate! The book is available on Visit the initial post about the club for more information!


Becoming a Spiritually Healthy Family – Preview #1

Spiritually healthy families come from spiritually healthy individuals who, on their journey together, seek to live “on script” each day. Spiritually healthy families are not made up of people who never mess up their lines, or forget whether to enter stage left or stage right – they are not perfect performers. But they are families working together as loving case members, discovering the intimate beauty of watching the character development of each person unfold-in the midst of the messiness.

Michelle Anthony, Becoming a Spiritually Healthy Family, p.13

Becoming a Spiritually Healthy FamilyNext week we begin a book club to help us learn to live “on script.” When we realize that we cannot have spiritually healthy families without being spiritually healthy individuals, the pressure is really on. If we desire our families to be living the abundant life that Jesus offers, we have to take an honest look at the habits we have that keep us from joining the story God has planned for us!

I hope you’ll consider joining us for this book study. We will read a chapter a week and I will write an initial response on this blog to each chapter. If you care to share your own thoughts or responses, you can do so through the comments!

Get the book now on Amazon or at a Christian bookstore in order to begin reading on April 12th! The first chapter response will be posted on the 18th! Click here to read the post with complete reading schedule.

I look forward to learning to live “on script” with you!


Becoming A Spiritually Healthy Family – Book Club

Spiritually_Healthy_Family765x250_1425397474Parenting Book Club!

Becoming a Spiritually Healthy Family:
Avoiding the 6 dysfunctional parenting styles

Becoming a Spiritually Healthy FamilyDo you desire for your parenting to be spiritually healthy? If you want this but do not know how to get there, join us in a book study of Michelle Anthony’s, Becoming a Spiritually Healthy Family. We will take time weekly to read a chapter and respond to discussion questions from the text with one another.

The goal is to encourage one another through our own self-reflection about ways our parenting functions and dysfunctions! Through the public discussion, you will find that you are not alone! We all need some help pinpointing what needs to be done different and sharing in this book club together is one way for us all to benefit!

Below is an excerpt from the back of the book:

Who’s in charge of your family: You or Jesus? 

We all want to guide our children in to the abundant life that Jesus offers. But when we pursue the more and better that the world offers above our pursuit of Jesus, we fall into dangerous parenting habits.
In Becoming a Spiritually Healthy Family, Michelle Anthony unpacks six common dysfunctional parenting styles that we fall into out of habit, lack of attention, or just oversight due to busyness. If you long to show your children Jesus but don’t know how to do it, you’ll find hope in this practical guide to creating a relentlessly grace-filled home that is focused on God as first in charge.


  1. Comment below if you’d like to participate!
  2. Get the book! Check or local Christian bookstores.
  3. Check back each week (or subscribe!) and reply to the post about the chapter you’ve just completed. You can share your responses to the questions from the book or to the chapter in general!


Here is a schedule for the readings & responses (Initial response will be posted on the last day of the week!):

April 12th-18th:

Chapter 1 – The Director and the Script

April 19th-25th:

Chapter 2 – The Six Dysfunctions of Parenting

April 26th-May 2nd:

Chapter 3 – Kissing the World Goodbye

May 3rd-May 9th:

Chapter 4 – Free Indeed

May 10th-May 16th:

Chapter 5 – Beyond the Pursuit of Perfection

May 17th-May23rd:

Chapter 6 – Relinquishing Control

May 24th-May 30th:

Chapter 7 – A Time to Bless

May 31st-June 6th:

Chapter 8 – Living a Meaningful Family Mission

June 7th-June 13th:

Chapter 9 – Beyond Good Behavior and Chore Charts

June 14th-June 20th:

Chapter 10 – Remember & Celebrate the Abundant Life

Praying As A Couple

Prayer is one of those practices that is undeniably central to our discipleship. It’s a way we communicate with God our hopes, fears, desires and adoration. Praying reflects a connection we have with God and when we pray with others, our connection with them is strengthened as well. In a marital relationship, prayer is an activity that will not only draw a couple close to each other through the expression of their hearts but will even decrease the likelihood of divorce. While the national average for divorce is right at 50% the divorce rate for couples who pray together 3-5 times a week is 1 in 1200. [1] A statistic this remarkable warrants the attention of any couple that wants to guarantee the success of their marriage.

couple prayerSometimes it can be difficult to pray with our spouse. For many reasons we can feel inhibited in sharing this part of our walk with Christ in our marriage. On the next page below is a way to beginning the journey toward praying openly from your heart with your spouse. While simple in it’s approach, it may feel unnatural at first. The goal is to provide a “scripted stepping stone” that gets you as a couple talking with God in front of each other.


  1. Plan a short time (4-5 minutes) where you and your spouse can pray together uninterrupted.
  2. Choose one person to go first. This person reads only the first line of Prayer Number 1 and fills in the blank with their own words.
  3. Now it is the other spouse’s turn. Read the first line and fill in the blank with your own words.
  4. Continue through the prayer until you have read through all four lines.

The first prayer is a good place to start if you have never prayed with your spouse. As you grow more comfortable sharing this time together, move on to the second prayer. It gets a little more into the heart without being too intimidating. As this way of praying becomes more natural, venture into wording your own prayers or take turns providing prompts for each other. Below are some additional examples of prayer prompts.


Prayer for Married Couples: Number 1

God, you are so ___________ .

(share something with God that you like about him!)

God, sometimes its hard for me to ___________ .

(tell God about a struggle you have)

God, I want to thank you for ___________ .

(show God that you appreciate something he’s done)

God, one thing I ask is that you ___________ .

(tell God something you need from him)



Prayer for Married Couples: Number 2


God, when I think about you it makes me feel ___________ .

Today, I really needed your grace when I ___________ .

When I think of all the things you’ve done it makes me want to ___________ .

God, you always take care of my needs. Something I need is ___________ .



  • God, it was amazing today when you ___________ .
  • God, I want to work harder on ___________ .
  • Please give me strength to ___________ .
  • As I think back on my day, I’m real proud that I ___________ .
  • God I get so sad sometimes when ___________ .
  • God when I read in your word about ___________ it made me feel ___________ .

My prayer for you and your spouse is that you grow to the greatest depths of intimacy in your marriage through your conversations with God.

Many Blessings,


[1] Gallup Poll conducted in 1989-90 entitled “Love and Marriage.” Results reported in Faithful Attraction by Andrew Greeley, 1991 St. Martins Press